About Us
Level 19, 10 Eagle Street
Brisbane Queensland 4000
+61 (0) 429 478 052
Demand for hydrogen
exported from Australia
estimated to reach over three
million tonnes each year by
Australian Future Energy (AFE) is a private Brisbane based company with a focus on efficient and clean energy production to meet growing domestic and international demand.
The company is behind a new $AUD 1 billion clean hydrogen production facility in Gladstone Queensland, a significant Industrial region in Australia.
Clean hydrogen will be produced in the form of clean ammonia, recognised today as one of the most efficient and effective ways to transport hydrogen. The project will produce 230,000 tpa of ammonia and 14 PJ/annum of pipeline gas.
The Gladstone Energy and Ammonia Project (GEAP) will capture its carbon dioxide (CO2) as a high-quality product, available for carbon capture, utilisation and sequestration (CCUS) in growing CO2 markets in Australia and Asia.
Corporate Directory
Edek Choros
Edek founded Australian Future Energy Pty Ltd in 2014 to develop large scale coal gasification projects converting waste coal to urea and SNG.
He is a Geologist with over 25 years of professional experience in coal exploration, mine design, mine planning and management of “turn around” operations for a number of coal mines in Australia and the USA.
Edek also founded and was CEO and MD of Millennium Coal Pty Ltd in 1999, which developed a very successful hard coking coal mine in Bowen Basin in Queensland, which in 2004 was sold to Excel Coal Ltd.
Edek founded Batchfire Resources Pty Ltd in 2015 to acquire the Callide mine from Anglo American.
Duke Runnels
- Managing Director – TR Winston & Company
- Former President – Fort Properties Inc.
- Former Managing Director – CBRE investors
- Former Senior Vice President – Oxford Properties Inc.
Luke Gracias
- 27 years in Environmental Management.
- Approvals Manager for $6 billion Kevin’s Corner and South Galilee Coal mines.
- Approvals Manager Carbon Energy – Coal Gasification Project.
- Lead Engineer Carbon Energy – Coal Gasification Project.
- Strategic Advisor Water APLNG Origin – $30 billion Coal Seam Gas.
- Strategic Advisor GLNG – $30 billion Coal Seam Gas.
Jeff Gerard
- 40 years of international mining and investment experience.
- 25 years with Glencore in the resources sector.
- Corporate finance skills and corporate strategy expertise.
- Chief Development Officer, COO Americas, COO South Africa, MD / CEO for several private companies
- Non-executive Director for a number of ASX and TSX listed companies.
GPO 3288
Brisbane, Qld, 4000
ACN 168 160 067
ABN 58 168 160 067